Part 1
Blah blah, yada yada. This is your chance to do something on your own, so dont screw it up.
Yes, Sir GodJesus. Are you sure you dont want to deal with this yourself?
Eh, I kind of forgot to put a bunch of convenient statues on this world so its going to have to be you. Should be fine.
But were going to have to come up with something for the people to call you when youre with them. Angel wont do
I dont think so, Sir Godjesus.
Well figure it out later. Whatever, just go out and save the world. No pressure.
With that intro were turned loose. You can see the similarities between this game and Act Raiser almost immediately, but there are a lot more RPG elements. We actually get stats, equipment, and gain experience by fighting rather than by population.
Well also be helped out by various Souls in our quest
more on that shortly.
We even get an inventory, including a much bigger space for items. Youll notice that we dont have any concept of money (Gems are something else entirely) so its not like were going to be selling anything we pick up.
We have two options available. Heading up brings us to the save option, but well be heading left to move into whats basically a tutorial area.
Youre welcome, by the way.
thank you, Sir GodJesus. But Im really more of a bow
Sir GodJesus! Its coming after me! What do I do? How do I use this thing?
I dont know why youre asking me, I only know how to swing it up and down and side to side. Just
hold on to the dull end, and hit him with the sharp end. Its not complicated.
That worked
I think thats the last of them. Is this thing
Monsters Lair, yep. Looks a bit different, but you just have to clear out the demons and seal it. Give it a shot.
Now, I am living on Earth, away from the Master.
Howd that happen?
Thats a long and boring story thats also kind of embarrassing.
Its not that long and its actually not boring. Theres a reason I have that long list of thou shalt nots.
Yknow, I think I dont actually want to hear this that much.
So how do you come in?
Youll have to get me gems to power my magic.
gems? Any kind of gems?
Does this mean I have my own servants now?
In.. a manner of speaking? I can only do a few things.
Thats okay, it still makes me feel better.
So, the Mage Soul is our first Soul helper. Getting him opens up a third option, going down to enter the first of the six areas were going to be restoring.
This is not a promising start.
Thread Input
What new name shall we bestow on our hero?